terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2009

epals from BH

Hi, everybody....

My students and the Teacher Sheyla's classes are studying english togehter...
Teacher Sheyla have .... classes in 2 schools. They are studying in a High School in BH.
I think they are learning english very well...
I would like to take their photos....

Blog from teacher Sheyla and her students: http://sheyla-learningenglishtogether.blogspot.com

4 comentários:

LIDI disse...

Hello Teacher
I am working in Planalto.

Very good week.

marisa disse...

yes i live wite my mother.

JÉSSICA disse...

Hi teacher!
I am married and live with my husband. I have a brother by the mother and two from the father.

ADRIANO disse...

Oi! Tudo Bem? Ta linda e Elegante! Bom início de semana! Beijos!

Débora Tura - educadora Nota 10